Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 29 The organizing never ends

These are empty boxes (dh insists we need to keep them) that I brought up to the attic today. I'm still trying to finish organizing the switcheroos were done this evening. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.


Kellie said...

Oooohh! I actually love organizing and moving stuff around. It's kind of a fun challenge to come up with a better "system".

LotoFoto said...

I need to get busy doing stuff like this. My closets are a WRECK!

Tiffany said...

LOL, my dh keeps boxes too. It must feel good to get organized!

Kelly said...

Susan I didn't know you have the D80. Do you like it?

And I so need to do this but who has time?

Susan's 365 said...

Kelly...I love the camera. I just have to figure out how everything works on it. My new favorite thing along with the camer is my Eye Fi card.

Kelly said...

What is an eye fi card?
And read that manual every single day. I swear I took mine to bed every night for months and I still probably pick it up at least once a week.

Susan's 365 said...

I am going to pull my manual out again and start reading it over. I know there are a lot of things I could be doing with my camera, but just don't know how.

Here's a link to the Eye it the COOLEST memory card.